951 653-5053

Part-Time Chief Financial Officer Services

If you’re looking for just “…another accountant,” keep looking.

Part-Time Chief Financial Officer Services…

As today’s small business recognizes tangible success, they also recognize the importance of accounting and financial control. Entry level accountants can be an economic solution, but their lack of depth in experience often limits their ability to provide the requisite control or to meet the informational needs of management. For close to 25 years The Part-Time CFO, Inc. has targeted its services to small growing companies to make ongoing accounting and financial services available at a cost and volume that is more consistent with the actual level of business.

The Big Problem for the Small Business Community is That They Fail to Recognize Tax Benefits Specifically Targeted to Them

Serious Growth Management

When a company experiences serious growth, management frequently realizes that it doesn’t have time for the related accounting and administration. When the revenue comes streaming in, and the bills pile up, they need to be paid and the related information needs to be effortlessly channeled through the accounting system so that objective measurements of the business are promptly communicated to management. While a bookkeeper can pay the bills and deposit the checks, a growing company needs much more financial and accounting support.

A Need for a Part-Time CFO

The Part-Time CFO, Inc. recognizes that as a company experiences dramatic growth, its needs are not limited to accounting. To meet these emerging needs, we employ highly qualified accounting personnel to be part-time chief financial officers. The wide experience of our consultants allows for the opportunity to give practical management and administrative advice to improve the client’s efficiency and profitability. Functioning as a part of your management team is a natural extension of our services.

Schedule an Appointment to Make a Difference in Your Business Today!


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Is the accounting for your startup losing you money?

No one thinks about the accounting when they start a business, but the success or failure of the business could hinge on that function. Thus, you need to have a game plan in the early stages of development. Here are a few items to consider as you start a new business:

Expenses Traditional Office The Part-Time CFO
Rent $1,000 $0
Staff $2,325 $0
Rent Deposit $1,000 $0
Computer/Printer $1,500 $0
Furniture $1,500 $0
Monthly Accounting Fees
Low Volume $500 - $1,000 $0 - $500
(no minimum charge)
Medium Volume $1,000 - $5,000 $500 - $2,500
High Volume $5,000 - $10,000 $2,500 - $5,000
(you would need very high volume)

What we Do 

Our Approach is Different Than the Rest

Free Consultation

The Part-Time CFO’s approach is to evaluate the company’s needs through a NO obligation consultation. We then pursue a strategy where lower-cost personnel are taught to perform those tasks that do not require seasoned accounting judgment.

Keeping It Simple 

Our approach is not to reinvent a company’s accounting operation, only to guide it to the more effective communication of financial information. To make good business decisions, management needs to have reliable financial information. We aim to provide that information.

We’re Here To Help

The Part-Time CFO, Inc. personnel pursue those tasks (not necessarily limited to accounting) that cannot be performed at the clerical level (i.e. cash management, financial statement preparation, budgeting/financial planning & financial analysis). While not always present at the client’s location, our personnel are always available to be contacted for those circumstances where higher-level judgment is required.

Consider THE COST

Two Ways of Getting Your Business Accounting Needs Met

ONE BUSINESS = $146,000/year


FIVE BUSINESSES = $80,000/year

It’s Time to Turn to a New Page and Make a Good Business Decision!

“My experience with Gary extends over 20 years during which Gary has functioned as the CFO for several different business enterprises. He has not only provided top-notch accounting and financial reporting, but has negotiated successfully with large governmental bureaucracies that, at times, have posed very substantial potential financial burdens. These negotiations reached successful conclusions in each case, not only due to Gary’s accumulation and presentation of supporting facts, but his ability to present them in a persuasive and non-adversarial manner. I would also mention that his ability to anticipate organizational and financial challenges has been instrumental in avoiding potential problems that might otherwise might have occurred. Gary has been over the years an integral and extremely loyal part of the management team, despite it being on as-needed basis in many cases.”
Jim Craft

Here are some common questions about having a Part-Time CFO

What would be the monthly fee?

We generally don’t operate on a flat fee basis. We do the necessary work each month and bill for the time dedicated to your business.

How do you determine what work that needs to be done?

Initially, we meet with the client to discuss and understand the existing structure of your bookkeeping and accounting function and the informational needs of management. Based on the ability of the existing structure to meet these needs, we would probably recommend some adjustments (processes and training) to transform the existing structure into a process that would produce the information required by management.

What would be the fee for this initial meeting?

There generally is no fee for the initial meeting. If the initial meeting were to turn into an immediate “call to action,” and work were to begin at that time, the actual start of work would coincide with the time billed for that work. Most of the time, at the close of the initial meeting (which is without obligation), the decisions to engage The Part-Time CFO and a date to begin work are understood to be decided by the client based on a period of reflection and discussion with other business partners.

What is the minimum charge?

We don’t have a minimum charge.  If we don’t do any work for your company in a given month (for a variety of reasons), there is no fee for that month.

Can you do my taxes?

Yes, we can do your taxes.  Part-Time CFO Services are more specific to the administrative management of your company to produce better information in order that the tax benefits of having a business can be exploited.  Thus, with a Part-Time CFO, you will have better information to prepare a more advantageous tax return.  In that context, we generally (not exclusively) specialize in business taxes.

No Sales Approach

What Makes Us Different?

There is an old assumption about accounting firms with both Tax Departments and Business Management Departments. The assumption is that the Tax Department can identify problems that can enhance opportunities through the Business Management Department, and the Business Management Department can identify opportunities that can be exploited by the Tax Department.

Sadly, in real life, the Tax Department and the Business Management Department rarely talk, and if they did, professionally, they know very little about what the other department does

Free Consultation

All of our initial consultations are free, but when we meet our clients, we frequently find that their business taxes are prepared by “personal” income tax professionals. We are business tax specialists. We frequently find prospective clients that are paying significant taxes that could be avoided with a separate entity – with immediately advantageous tax elections – except their tax preparer never told them. We tell them in the free consultation!

Free Business Advice

Anyone with any significant business experience can immediately see opportunities in a fresh look at a business they work with. Our tax professionals are no different and frequently will make suggestions based on the information they see in the tax preparation process.

…and we tell the client what we see, for no additional charge.

If You Are Not Happy With Our Service, You Will Find Someone Else!

Uniquely, our clients come back year after year after year. Our client retention is close to 100%. The frequent feedback we get is “I never had anyone explain this stuff before.” When client documentation is missing, we don’t prepare the return without it, we ask you to get it. When the tax documentation you give us doesn’t make sense, we let you know and assist you on getting the information corrected.

And if we’re your Part-Time CFO, you get all of the benefits of our Business Management Services and the Tax Advice we give so freely.

No Sales Approach, We’ll Simply Tell You What We Think.

Contact Us

If You Have Questions About Your Current Tax Preparer, Talk To Us!

Advice and consulting at your fingertips! Schedule an appointment today.

(951) 653-5053

12625 Frederick St. Suite I5-300

Moreno Valley, CA. 92553

M-F: 8am-5pm and by appointment

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